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Milijana Stojanovikj

2 September 2022

is a part of a community

In the summer 2020, a teacher enters a travel agency in the center of Skopje. She intends to buy plane tickets for her daughter, who’s about to pursue an education abroad. While talking to the travel agent, the teacher mentions three letters – UWC – and an opportunity to apply for scholarships. The teacher returns home and quickly afterwards says goodbye to her daughter, Marija Janeva, who is starting her first year at the College in Norway. The agent, on the other hand, tells her own daughter, who is finishing middle school, about something called UWC. 

That daughter is Milijana, a high school student whose life is intertwined with the lives of the people around her. Milijana is the nucleus of a bunch of different communities, a main or supporting character in a series of stories like this one. Of course, her role differs depending on the community. In her dance group, where she is one of the youngest members, Milijana offers humor and positivity. In her friend group, Milijana offers a shoulder to cry on, which – as she jokingly admits –  is used a little too frequently. At the orientation camp, Milijana offered her undivided attention and interest in getting to know her peers. (And in a few weeks, we will have a chance to see what her new role in the community in Singapore will be!)

Milijana has a series of successes she can present as her own. She was only a first grader when her teachers realized she could do more, so in less than a month she switched over to the second grade. She’s received a variety of awards in mathematics. And, of course, a few months ago she was selected to become a part of the UWC movement. 

But, she is clear that those successes are not only hers. Shortly before the last interview, we ask all finalists to send a three-minute video titled “This is me”. Milijana’s video consisted of photos with her brother, her family, and a whole bunch of friends – honestly, we barely saw her alone. She ended the video by saying: “This is not only me. This is everyone who followed me throughout my journey and made me who I am today. So, this is us.”

Milijana is going to Singapore this summer and she knows she will miss the traditional burek. But, as we have already established, even for that she will rely on her community. Her mother, through work, met a Macedonian pilot who nowadays lives in Singapore. And – you won’t believe it – last year he opened a burek store 15 minutes away from the campus of UWC SEA :)

Bobo, July 2022